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A note of thanks to our teachers as we start a challenging school year

September 1, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Denum Abeysekera - Directress and Coordinating Principal

Welcome to the 2021-2022 Academic year of OKI International School! It is my paramount duty as the Coordinating principal of the OKI network to thank the Chairperson Mrs Nirmalie Saparamadu, CAO Maj. Gen. Athula Galagamage, members of the senior management, all my respected heads of schools, dedicated teachers and non-academic staff for completing a challenging year. The outbreak of the Covid19 Pandemic made all of us face contingencies bravely and promptly. Current school closure made our main beneficiaries away from physical school, which was a great challenge to the teachers and the students. In the meantime, some of our little OKIANs from the entire network lost their parents out of this crucial disease, which made their lives devastated in vainly. I am sure you could remember how some of the OKI staff members and students were affected by the harsh flooding we experienced last May/June 2021. During all these said downturns and challenges we could survive and overcome many of the hindrances as one OKI Family.

Since June 2020 to date, OKI Digital School has been developing day by day not only with academic lessons but also with many more extra & co-curricular sessions. Other than the interactive online lessons, the management has organized many other programs which give opportunities for OKIans to, exhibit their talents, experiment, inspire and relax via various online platforms under OKI Digital School. We can certainly be proud of how easily our academic staff and students are maneuvering these virtually at present. As with any other school, we may be facing difficulties in giving out the subject concepts at their optimum due to distance learning, nevertheless, we have reached our students at our level best. Students’ performance in all virtual assessments during the completed the academic year 2020/2021 is the best confirmation for your dedicated services.

Remember, today’s kids are growing in normal life for them, while we are transforming ourselves to a new normal life. Kids would be even smarter than you when they join online lessons in this academic year. Facts and information are readily available, today’s students have access to all devices and they may not want to know what is available, but definitely how to grasp, evaluate and be innovative. I am certain that all of you are ready to meet this challenge with your “can do” attitude and passion in imparting knowledge to our future generation. My dear teachers, we battled one stretch and many more laps to run through in our academic journey.

Wish you all strength, courage and health in this New Year 2021/2022!

God Bless You!

Denum Abeysekera - Directress and Coordinating Principal

Denum Abeysekera – Directress and Coordinating Principal


September 1, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

OKIInternational School

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