—Please choose an option—OKI KiribathgodaOKI GLOBAL
Full Name Date of birth Place of birth Sex MaleFemale Age Grade applied for Nationality Language spoken at home Religion Race Brothers or sisters at OKI YesNo
Name Age Grade Branch
Address Telephone Number (Residence)
Full Name Age Nationality Occupation Language spoken at home Race Religion Office Address Telephone Number (Office) Mobile Number E-Mail
Word of MouthFrom a Friend/ParentFacebook/InstagramFrom a Search EngineA Sibling/Cousin is already at OKIAdvertisementOther
Please provide the following documents at the interview
English translation(original) of the certificate of Birth.
Photocopy of Vaccination card - Application for children from PG to Grade 5 only.
Three stamp size colour photographs - Applicable for children from PG to Grade 5 only.
School Leaving certificate or Character Certificate from the Principal of the previous school
Supporting documents to show their income(Salary details/ Letter from the Employer/ Business registration/ Foreign Employment Contract(if applicable)).
Copy of NIC of both parents.
Gramaniladari Certificate(To prove residential area).